We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in god's hands" - Prov 16:1
Greetings Cattlemen,
Welcome to the 25th annual “Cowboy Bulls” production sale.
How about this cattle market! If you think it’s good now, just wait. It’s time to start licking your chops. We have the biggest shortage of beef cattle ever in the world. Pair that with the whole nation coming out of the drought and needing to fill pastures, which will create even 20% less marketable beef as ranchers retain more heifers and cows. It will get even better! As I was looking at pedigree’s putting this catalog together, I was amazed to see the incredible maternal power.

The stacked, and I mean stacked generations of Feed efficiency and outstanding Momma cows. I sometimes look at other programs in awe of their maternal base, but I am not looking over the fence anymore. These cows are as good as any, or in any program. Not only that, but they did it in real world conditions.
Even tougher than the commercial ranchers and in one of the most inclement environments in the U.S. No other cow herd in the world is even close, especially when it comes to Feed Efficiency, PAP and toughness combined. Lucky 7 Angus leads the world for the top 6 economic traits on every ranch. Feed Efficiency, breed up, weaned calves per bred cow. Longevity. Less sickness and death loss. And most importantly pounds weaned per ranch. This has been proven by data on our ranch and by numerous customers’ testimonies.
Not only are these traits necessary for your sustainability, but they also create less greenhouse gases per pound of beef, (if you believe in that) making them Environmentally Friendly.
Which is huge to our beef customers.
Sustainability only comes when producers are profitable, and consumers demand it.
Maybe the only truly sustainable cattle in the world today? They are dominating on the ranch for profitability, dominating at the feedlot for cost of gain, grade at the top for carcass, and now it’s just a matter of time before they receive value added dividends. When the rest of the bull producers created bad feet and legs, we created the “Nations Only 4 Year Guarantee”. We built the most advanced bull development facility in the world with big pastures, rocks and terrain that develop better feet and legs.
Designed to make a better bull and you more money. I don’t understand how a fat pretty feedlot bull, with hair and feet trimming, makes you money, which is why you will not see bulls like that here. All bulls in this sale carry scientifically proven feed efficient genetics. 3, 4, 5, 6 and even 7 generations deep. Every bull will be in the top 15% of the industry for feed efficiency, and the only proven feed efficient PAP tested bulls to sell in the World! Lucky 7 Angus easily has the most accurate PAP in the Angus breed. The 2-year-olds and fall bulls were summered on big pastures at 7589 feet for over 90 days prior to PAP testing. Not only that but the Lucky 7 Angus cows live above 7,000 feet for 8 months of the year, and all females spend one summer above 10,000 feet. We do not just PAP test to sell bulls! We know there are many choices for you as to where you buy bulls.
We respect that and are extremely blessed when you choose our program.
Our warmest welcome goes out to you and your families. If we can be of assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s simple, our bulls/genetics look the same, and gain the same as our competitors. They just do it on 2.1% of feed per pound of body weight, instead of the 3% that it takes our competitors, or 30% less.
They’re more durable, live longer and have less sickness and death loss. It’s your decision and your ranch, but what can you do with 30% more profits?
More details below
Thanks, and may God bless you,
Lucky 7 Angus

Free delivery first 300 miles on purchases of $4,000 or more. All other delivery at cost.
Cattle are available any time at the ranch and will be at the Riverton Livestock Auction March 1, 2024.
All bulls will be fertility tested within 3 weeks prior to sale. This will guarantee all bulls selling to be fertile and satisfactory breeders at time of sale. (Some breeders do not have bulls fertility tested before the sale, but it is mandatory at Lucky 7 Angus to meet our high standards.)
The bulls in this sale have been on a high roughage low energy ration. They will not be as fat as at most sales. Overfeeding bulls causes permanent fertility problems. Bulls fed as these are, will simply breed more cows
Buyers unable to attend the sale may call or send their bids to any of the special representatives listed. All cattle come with a Satisfaction Guarantee.
scores on 2 yr old and fall bulls were taken at 7,580ft and yearlings at 7,075ft elevation after over 90 days exposure by Dr. Tim Holt. For further PAP information see page 6.
Many of the bulls in the sale went through the GrowSafe test system. Of the bulls tested, the top 50% will be shown under their footnotes. A feed efficiency evaluation score will be added in the footnotes as an additional reference for your convenience.
Tenderness Testing
Another tool we think has potential to make our customers more profitable. Bulls have been tested using cutting edge technology that measures the muscle bundles. They score from 1 to 5 and can be found in the lot footnotes. 1=Highly Tender, 2=Tender, etc.
Ultrasound carcass and fertility test information will be available at the sale and online.