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The Nation's ONLY 4 Year Guarantee on Bull Sales

Writer: Rebekah WallerRebekah Waller

Updated: Feb 22

As the industry leader, we specialize in breeding and raising bulls capable of holding up, lasting longer and taking tougher conditions. Lucky 7 Angus is the first seedstock producer to raise the bar and offer the nation's only 4 year guarantee on bull sales. We hope that others who claim to have bulls which can do the same will step up to the plate.

The Nations ONLY 4 year guarantee on Bull Sales l The Lucky 7 Ranch
"No Bullshit Guarantee" The Lucky 7 Angus Ranch

If you pay good money for a bull, he should last you 4 years. Lucky 7 Angus was founded because seedstock producers were not raising bulls that worked for commercial cattlemen. Our number one goal is to make bulls that will hold up and profit ranchers in tough conditions. Ranchers purchasing our bulls are replacing fewer bulls each year. If you figure bulls raised by other breeders are lasting less than 2 1/2 years, on a national average, there is a huge economic difference between our program and theirs. How much more could you pay for a top bull knowing he would last 4 years? And how much better could you manage your budget and your genetics? Knowing the average longevity of bulls from most breeders, this could easily be worth $2000-5000/bull.

No matter if you buy the first bull through the ring or the last, you can rest assured that he and his mother have been tested in harsh, more real world conditions 365 days a year, year after year, than any other seed stock producer's cattle. There is no guessing what Lucky 7 Angus bulls can do on your ranch. They are developed in a way that makes them more durable and range ready than any other bulls. They are "real world" tested and sell with the Nation's only 4 year guarantee to prove it.

(We have been offering this 4 year Guarantee since 2009. It is amazing how well it has worked for both our buyers and Lucky 7 Angus.

We hoped it would be an industry changer and all seed stock producers would have to follow suit, forcing them to raise their bulls on less corn, and in more practical conditions. As of now only one other producer has been able to do so: DeGrand Angus, Baker MT.

It troubles us to see so many bull sellers advertising that they have changed their program. They are feeding less corn and the bulls hold up better. Yet, they are not capable of offering a 4 year guarantee. It appears they have just changed their advertising! Please let them know they are welcome to use our 4 year guarantee for their program. Step on their toes a little, force them to stop talking and start implementing. Let's change the industry together and make a 4 year guarantee on bulls the standard. I promise you it will force all bulls to become much better for you, and your ranch will profit from it.).

Davinci Cattle Breed l The Lucky 7 Ranch
One of our own Davinci Cattle

Details & Conditions of 4 Year Guarantee BELOW:

All bulls selling over $4,000 in the March 1, 2025 sale will be guaranteed against injury that renders them incapable of breeding, or to be a potential breeder except those specifically listed below.

How much more could you pay for a bull knowing he would last 4 years? And how much better could you manage your budget and your genetics? Knowing the longevity of bulls from most breeders, this could easily be worth $4,500/bull or more. As the industry leader, breeding and raising bulls capable of holding up, lasting longer, and taking on tougher conditions, it is fitting that Lucky 7 Angus is the first to raise the bar and offer a 4 year guarantee. We hope that others who claim to have bulls which can do the same will step up to the plate.

This guarantee only applies to original purchaser and shall not apply to any bull which has not been maintained by original purchaser at all times for normal breeding practices and in normal breeding conditions. This guarantee only applies to bulls which are maintained at all times in accordance with rules and practices of good animal husbandry and management.

Claims shall be resolved as follows: Bull’s purchase price up to $15,000 less salvage value ($1,500 minimum) shall be credited to the purchaser toward purchase of (1) bull at the following Lucky 7 Angus bull sale. The credited purchase price decreases by 25% per year, after turn out to cows, or July 1st, whichever is earlier. All credits due must be used in first proceeding Lucky 7 Angus bull sale following injury, or will become void. Original purchaser must contact Lucky 7 Angus within 14 days of discovery of injury and have licensed veterinarian’s verification. Lucky 7 Angus retains the right to use an agent of their choice for all verifications. If any claims are denied by Lucky 7 Angus, purchaser must respond with written legal explanation describing why guarantee should apply, or lose any guarantee available on bulls.


Lucky 7 Angus will guarantee all bulls selling in this catalogue for High Mountain Brisket Disease up to 6,000 feet elevation and all low to moderate risk bulls up to the corresponding elevation of the PAP Risk Scoring Category Evaluation. See page 14 of the 2025 catalogue for more details on PAP Risk Categories.


Exceptions: Injuries or loss caused by motor vehicles, equipment, or trains; injury or loss caused by acts of nature/God including but not limited to: lightning, tornadoes, blizzards, freezing cold, fires, drowning; injury or loss from disease, feed intake or poisoning; any human-caused injury or loss, including but not limited to: nuclear, radioactive, contamination, war, invasion, acts of terrorism; confiscation, quarantine, theft; malicious or willful injury to animal, injury or loss caused by carelessness, neglect; failure to maintain good animal husbandry and management; any injury or loss caused by predation.


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